
Friday, November 7, 2008

What a day

We flew into Nanchang today. My favorite city in China. It was light rain and drizzle.
We got settled into to our room and got ready to visit some of our favorite places, but
because of the rain we hurried past everything. Then I led Emma and Caprice off on
the wandering that I like to do when out of the country. We went down side streets and
alleys until we were really turned around. It was getting dark. No one speaks any english.
More rain meant all the taxis were full. Finally some young men stopped to help. They
stayed with us for about 20 minutes until we got in a cab. Caprice had her room key that
had the hotel name in Chinese. Otherwise we are not sure how we would have told anyone
where we needed to go. Emma was a real trooper. She said she was getting a little nervous,
after she realized we were trying to get a taxi but none would stop. We came back to the room
and crashed for a little while and then went back out to Pizza Hut. Emma fell asleep after eating.
We made it back without detour.

I had kind of forgotten what the people here were like. There are just a few responses we get.
Some people walk by and hardly notice us. Many will pass and after making eye contact will
offer some engagement, a smile, a wave, or a hello. Most will stare and continue to
stare without attempt to hide their actions. It is really funny to see people walk ahead of you and then turn around and look back at you. It really is kind of funny and we enjoy the attention
(I admit it).

I will be posting pictures of Wanzai tommorrow. It will be a long trip.
Thanks for following.


Kate said...

You perfectly described our experience in Nanchang as far as responses. I totally enjoyed my two trips there; the second moreso since I knew what to expect. Enjoy Wanzai. I had read some online about it before we went and it was much more than I thought it would be. We were stared at more than anywhere else on our journey but it was the most rural area we were in. I look forward to following the rest of your journey. Thank you for sharing!

呓呓呀呀(4Y) said...

Finally some young men stopped to help. They stayed with us for about 20 minutes until we got in a cab. ---- because you all are very nice people and I called these young men "your angles"

I like to read your journey. Thanks!
