
Thursday, November 6, 2008

We are in Hong Kong

We finally made it to HK. We had 1 hour wait on the plane and 15.25 hours in flight.
We got in settle in our room about 10pm last night and walked looking for a place to
eat. Emma wanted noodles, but we had to settle for very bad McDonalds. Today we
went to Victoria's Peak and Stanley Market. The first was real nice the second, not.
Emma fell asleep on the taxi ride back to the ferry at 530 and is still asleep(it is midnight).
Tommorrow we will fly to Nanchang where we met Emma.
Today at Victoria's, Emma saw some kids playing and said, "Look at those Chinese kids.
I want to play with them" When I asked if she was Chinese, she respnded laughing "yes".
She had tried to play with this other little girl who immediately sought her family each time
Emma approached. Here parents and grandparents tried to improve the situation, but to
no avail. Pictures of Wanzai(Emma's birth city) expected soon. Good Bye. Greg


the mommy said...

So exciting have a wonderful trip..

cmorris said...

Your news is very exciting. I'm so glad that Emma is along on your journey to bring home her new sister. My best wishes to all of you. I so look forward to meeting Ivy and seeing both girls here at church.
Cheryl Morris

呓呓呀呀(4Y) said...

I can feel Emma's excited and happiness.
