
Saturday, November 15, 2008

Day 5 and 6 Orphanage visit and more

It seems like a long time since I posted.
First, thanks for all of the concern and
prayers for my uncle. I hope that he
has hope. He was diagnosed with lung
cancer today. He has an appointment
with a specialist. I hope there are options
for him.

Yesterday was a long day. Our guide took
us and another lady and her newly adopted
soon to the Dongguan orphanage which was
an hour drive. It was a really nice looking
place and very clean. We got to see some of
the kids there and the crib were Ivy slept
and her favorite playmate. He also cried
at the very site of me. Most importantly, we
got to see them feed the babies. They had a
bowl of this oatmeal like porridge and they
lady the baby in their lap and just started
spooning it into its mouth very quickly. We
had them feed Ivy, but after a couple of bites
she started rejecting it. They tried to force it
but to no avail. They said she must be sick or
stressed. We then went to Ivy's finding place
which was the nursery at the hosptial in Humen
City. I guess her mother had her and sneaked out.
I walked along the road leading up to the hospital
thinking about how this mother walked that same
road for the same child, but under very different
circumstances. I know all of us who have adopted
from China have heard the comments from people
who believe these people don't love their babies.
I believe this woman who I traveled behind had to
make some pretty difficult decisions. That area is
more wealthy than alot of China. They had a
McDonalds so we grabbed some to eat on the 3 hour
ride back to our hotel. We ate at Lucy's for dinner.

Today, Caprice and Ivy went to do the medical exam.
I wanted to go, but was just feeling up to it. Then
Caprice dropped Ivy off with me and Emma at the
park and she went and did some paperwork. She
has really been the one pulling everything together
on this adoption. We met back at the room and
ordered PaPa Johns. Off to shopping for kids cloths
in the late afternoon and then back to Lucy's. We
finished the night at the playroom at the White
Swan. We did not even know they had one until
our friend told us about it.

So that is what we did but the question remains how
is Ivy doing. Well yesterday was alot of traveling and
not really any chance for her to grow any. So it was
cry at Greg and latch on to Caprice all the time. The
funny thing was when the nanny at the orphanage
said Caprice needs to stop carrying her so much.
It didn't mean so much when I said it but now Caprice
is trying to make her walk more. Last night I spent
a little time with her but it didn't go very well.

Today, she rode in her stroller and would cry when
Caprice was not pushing the stroller. She fell asleep
as did Emma while shopping and through most of dinner.
When we went to the playroom she stood next to Caprice
and fretted. Tonight as soon as we walked in the door I
took Ivy in the bedroom and shut the door. She sat in
my lap at the computer. While it was uploading pictures
I would rub her and talk to her, but didn't let her look
back at the door or start to break into crying. I gave her
a bath and a bottle. She feel asleep a few minutes ago in
my lap as I was typing this post. She has a long way to go.
Her medical exam said her throst could be sore. We are
starting her on the antibiotic tonight. She has had a cough
that sounds like there is a lot of fluid back there and her
crying voice does sound really funny, kind of like the blare
of a poorly played trumpet.

A friend left us some pedialite that will help her. She just
hasn't shown the ability or desire to eat anything. The
sooner we get home the better. When I had her shirt off
tonight her stomach looked really wrinkled at times. She
has had to lose weight.

The bottoem three rows are new photos:

You all keep thinking about us.


1 comment:

呓呓呀呀(4Y) said...

Now I see Ivy does not want to eat because of the sickness.
